"Moblrn saves a lot of time and money, is easy and simple to use. It allows us to quickly reach out with training to mobile devices"
Jenny Renstrand
Marketing & Communications Coordinator, Dalapro
Company Overview
Scanspac/Dalapro is Europe's largest manufacturer of filler products. We are at the forefront of innovation, with a strong focus on environmental and sustainability perspectives regarding products, packaging, and manufacturing.
Why Do You Use Moblrn?
We want to simplify the painter's everyday life and educate them more about our products. This ensures they choose the right products, saving both time and money, as well as protecting their backs. Moblrn is a user-friendly tool for short and smart digital education, especially on mobile devices with small screens.
Everyone has work or personal mobile phones. Dalapro is growing and performing very well, with a high turnover of our products. A significant part of this success is due to knowledgeable craftsmen and entrepreneurs who choose Dalapro's quality products.
How Has Moblrn Facilitated Your Work as a Marketing and Communications Coordinator at Dalapro?
We reach many more people than through other traditional methods and meetings, such as physical sales visits to companies and workplaces with craftsmen, as well as with our resellers and store salespeople.
"Moblrn is an excellent channel for providing knowledge and information about our products."
Several schools and vocational training programs have contacted us, asking if their students—tomorrow's painters and craftsmen—can take our Moblrn training. Of course, they can! We use Moblrn as a digital compressed knowledge channel.
We also have a printed handbook for craftsmen, "The Spackle Book," which goes in-depth about everything related to spackle. However, it takes a long time to produce and is relatively expensive to manufacture and deliver. When Moblrn became part of our daily routine, many new digital opportunities for customer contact opened up.
What Lessons Have You Learned from Your Use of Moblrn?
Moblrn saves a lot of time and money, is easy and simple to use. It has really paid off to spend time developing good and relevant content. Getting the content into Moblrn has been both easy and pleasant. If I need help, I receive fantastic support from Moblrn.
"Moblrn allows me to spend more time on the content and less time on administrative tasks."
When we launch new courses in Moblrn, they practically run themselves. It's easy to get statistics and follow up.
What Do Your Moblrn Users, i.e., Craftsmen and Store Salespeople, Think About Your Digital Training?
We have only received positive feedback. Knowledge and awareness of our products are spreading like ripples in water, contributing to strengthening our brand.
There are significantly more people than expected who have completed our training in Moblrn. We have received incredibly good feedback from the users, which has greatly encouraged our salespeople.
Your Next Step with Using Moblrn?
We have a specific idea to develop one or more educational courses in environment and sustainability. After Scandinavia, we will now also start using Moblrn in Germany and the United Kingdom.
"Soon we will start using Moblrn as a news channel as well. This opens up completely new opportunities for us to communicate with our target audiences."
Sometimes we have sent physical gifts to participants who have completed our training. This has taken a lot of time and cost quite a bit of money. Now we will start using Moblrn and their collaboration with Charma to digitally send out gifts, such as ice cream vouchers, to our course participants.
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